Body horror is the metaphor for visual pleasure. A critical reflection on where our species are heading if giving no limit to our exploitation of pleasure. However the film itself didn’t escape the fate of being part of the process, and me as the audience who already sat down, had no option of rejecting my role as the consumer of such content.
怪不得大本前两年出了酗酒的花边新闻鬼吹灯之精绝古城2022还是前女友詹妮弗帮忙接回家看来全是为了拍戏真的太专业了错怪你了快回来续拍蝙超恩仇记吧想你了看见 the way back三个词只能联想到大本回归正义联盟【快穿之祈愿人生攻略】