I've just finished watching the second episode of Bodyguard and I'm still shaking! I wasn't expecting anything in the second episode to be as exciting as the first episode, but I was wrong, it was even more exciting. Can't wait for the rest of the series, it's excellent and I'd highly recommend it. Not only is it exciting it makes you think too.
不带脑子单纯跟着故事看下去也还好但只要稍稍琢磨00后就能发现很多问题电影的科幻内容极其粗浅编剧似乎都懒得在科幻上费什么心思只是借了件科幻的外衣设计出另一个空间演了一场典型的美国式大戏——英雄带领凡人们fight for freedom不过94年的片子拍成这样也还可以了